Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Beau Skunky on image #2491067

Beau Skunky
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"[@northern haste":](/images/2491067#comment_9373302
I admit, that kinda chrono "triggered" me, because I hate it when game remakes/remastereds remove something subtle I liked.
Such as Geno's cameo from the "Mario & Luigi RPG: Superstar Saga" remake.
(Considering around that time a Geno Mii costume was added to SSB, I assume Nintendo & AlphaDream didn't even bother to ask Square/Enix for permission for that. After all, the cameo is in tact for the WiiU Virtual Console version. But who knows? Maybe Square asked for too much.)
No reason given
Edited by Beau Skunky