Viewing last 25 versions of comment by hironakamura on image #2341655

Artist -

so you are saying education is hereditary? Starlight and Sunburst were like that because they weren't taught anything else. That is in no way the type of trait that is passed on from person to person.[/bq]

Wtf that was the exact opposite of what I was saying. Star and Sun did not start out friendly. So if they had a kid, that kid would also be unfriendly. Like Luster who is clueless about being friendly.
Sunburst abandoned his friend. Starlight thought control was friendship. They had to learn to be friendly. Just like Luster. She had to learn to be friendly and she was introduced at the time of learning to be friendly.
You can't learn to be friendly of you don't start out unfriendly first. This is why she looks like she takes after her alleged parents who are both socially inept.
No reason given
Edited by hironakamura