Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #9EA1 on image #2325242

Background Pony #9EA1
"[@Background Pony #EF55":](/images/2325242#comment_9009231
Trannies are only 0.05% of the population _*at best_* and insane Progressives like yourselves are a tiny vocal minority of internet activists and uninformed teens.

You're already on really thin ice with most outside of your bubble when a bunch of you cross-dressing narcissists started threatening everyone with violence or government action for not using made up pronouns.

It's also hilarious to me how much you all go insane with one word too. I docan't havbe tco use any worceds yintou wtalkintg me tyour slay nguageither. :^)
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Edited by Background Pony #9EA1