Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Wisdom Pen on image #2243392

Wisdom Pen
Non-Fungible Trixie -

Philosopher Pony
"[@Phantom Rider":](/images/2243392#comment_9024922
lol I do like Spinach but its that my Dad decided to build our current house and roped me into doing it which involved me doing all the heavy lifting which coupled with my Dads slow pace basically meant that I was lifting massive loads from age 12 up until when I was about 23 ive lost some strength since but I still do some heavy lifting every now and again like carrying the feed for our animals so im still very strong but I am tempted to start weightlifting seriously and get my old strength back and then some.

Tl;Dr I literally built a two story 4 bedroom house almost entirely on my own.
My strongest feat was when we were listing an iron girder into place that was a good 4 meters long and I was liftinh up one end when I realised that I was literally lifting half of the weight whilst my Dad, a builder, and my best friend lifted the other end.

I don't know the exact numbers but my friend and I are into D&D and he knows numbers and he estimated my strength score would be a 21 (10 is average human).
No reason given
Edited by Wisdom Pen