Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #A506 on image #2200682

Background Pony #A506
In the [MLP Wiki]( it is written:

In early October 2016, Jim Miller was asked "I am curious to know if there's a reason Chrysalis doesn't have that Canterlot Wedding effect in her voice anymore?" and answered "Clarity. There was concern folks wouldn't understand what she was saying."[/bq]
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #A506
Background Pony #A506
As iIn the MLP Wiki it is written:
[bq]In early October 2016, Jim Miller was asked "I am curious to know if there's a reason Chrysalis doesn't have that Canterlot Wedding effect in her voice anymore?" and answered "Clarity. There was concern folks wouldn't understand what she was saying."[/bq]
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #A506
Background Pony #A506
As in the MLP Wiki it is written:
[bq]In early October 2016, Jim Miller was asked "I am curious to know if there's a reason Chrysalis doesn't have that Canterlot Wedding effect in her voice anymore?" and answered "Clarity. There was concern folks wouldn't understand what she was saying."[/bq]
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #A506