Viewing last 25 versions of comment by British-Heavy-Metal-Dude on image #2199155


in before i get the worlds entire nuclear arsenal thrown at me:
I just dont see what the big deal is really. :-/ i like the new art style. To me, its funny, silly and cute...... but Shit on a stick...! there are a few over reactions to this new art style. its alright to not like something but DAMN![/spoiler]||
No reason given
Edited by British-Heavy-Metal-Dude

in before i get the worlds entire nuclear arsenal thrown at me:
[spoiler]I just dont see what the big deal is really. :-/ i like the new art style. To me, its funny, silly and cute. but Shit on a stick. there are a few over reactions to this new art style. its alright to not like something but DAMN![/spoiler]
No reason given
Edited by British-Heavy-Metal-Dude