Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #6210 on image #2191694

Background Pony #6210
**What the h311 happened to your hairdressing job?** _*Did you accidentally sculpt poodle hair on some uptight lady customer or something?!*
__Zephyr Breeze:__ [chuckles] *Not for long if I can’t remember our slogan*, but yeah.
You see, **THIS** is why you still live in a third-class slum apartment ||surrounded by drug dealers, gang bangers and serial rapists!||
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #6210
Background Pony #6210
*What the h311 happened to your hairdressing job?* _Did you accidentally sculpt poodle hair on some uptight lady customer or something?!_
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #6210