Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Harshie83 on image #2169849


Live from the hive
Chrissy didn't do herself or the others any favors by shooting her mouth off. It probably just served to completely piss off Celestia and make them do whatever they had to in order to stop the villains...which, of course, they did.

I think Twilight was a little disappointed. Maybe she thought they'r speech would make them have a last minute change of heart, unlikely as that was.
No reason given
Edited by Harshie83

Live from the hive
Chrissy didn't do herself or the others any favors by shooting her mouth off. It probably just served to completely piss off Celestia and make therm do whatever they had to in order to stop them villains...which, of course, they did.

I think Twilight was a little disappointed. Maybe she thought they'd have a last minute change of heart, unlikely as that was.
No reason given
Edited by Harshie83

Live from the hive
Chrissy didn't do herself or the others any favors by shooting her mouth off. It probably just served to completely piss off Celestia and make her do whatever they had to in order to stop them...which they did.

I think Twilight was a little disappointed. Maybe she thought they'd have a last minute change of heart, unlikely as that was.
No reason given
Edited by Harshie83