Viewing last 25 versions of comment by xombiekilla on image #2168610

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Creative entertainer!
*Equestria and Earth were at peril. There was a terrible creature corrupted by chaos magic and threatening to destroy everything causing Celestia to be worried and up to her eyeballs in paperwork as a result. Discord knocks onto her Throne Room door, understandably nervous.* "You're already this far, Discord, you have to keep going, it's too late to feel any regrets."

*He knocked as he heard her voice calling,* "Come in." *He opened up and she looked over her pile of paperwork to see him and scowled in mild annoyance.* "Yes, Discord?"

"Well.. hi there, Celestia. I-I need to talk to you about something."

"What happened?"

"Do you promise not be angry with me?"

"Yes, now tell me what happened, Discord, please."

"Well, remember my little tenure I had before my first imprisonment by you and your sister?"

"Mhmm. Go on."

"Well, at first I didn't know why this threat was happening, until I sat in my thinking chair and I thought back to that point, then it dawned onto me what happened. Then I remembered what I did back then."

"Where is this going, Discord?"

"Well... I may or may not have been responsible for releasing chaos-fueled artifacts through the multiverse, without really knowing what would happen, now in hindsight I understand why that was a horrible idea. And one of those artifacts was in the form of a candy bar- chocolate to be exact." *He cringed under her gaze* "Y-You're not mad at me?"

"No, Discord. No I'm not."

"Phew. That's a relief, for a second there, I thought that you'd be absolutely livid with me-" *Suddenly, the doors burst open and a brilliant light shown through as an explosion threw Discord's body out like a ragdoll. He pushed himself up against the rear wall of the hallways as she stormed out to confront him.*

**"You what?!"** *Celestia bellowed using her Royal Canterlot Voice.*

"Please, don't. You promised that you wouldn't be angry with me." *Then, from being furious, she turned to be smug.*

"No, Discord. I'm not angry because I have just the solution for you." *She said darkly, with an evil chuckle.*

"Oh dear. Why do I get the feeling that I'd prefer to be a lawn ornament over this?"


"No! You cannot do this to me! I don't want to go in there. Not in that other world where he's in. I'm sorry for making him into a super-powered chaos creature of destruction." *Both Celestia and Luna were pushing Discord into the mirror to the human world.* "T-This is cruel and unusual punishment, Celestia."

"Nonsense, Discord. You created this mess, it's only fair that we make you fix this mess."

"N-Nooo-" *Discord was pushed into the portal as it then reformed back into the solid glass of the mirror itself.*

"He's not going to survive in there, is her, Sister?" *Luna asked.*

"No, Lulu. He is not and at this point, I am beyond caring."
No reason given
Edited by xombiekilla