Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #E846 on image #2163750

Background Pony #E846
"[@Background Pony #0268":](/images/2163750#comment_8518456
Thanks to some unsuccessful practical implementations, when the ideas of communism were processed and distorted, (and western propaganda), people believe that communism was related to authoritarianism and the cult of personality. In fact, Marxism is an absolutely anti-authoritarian ideology hostile to any personality cult. The whole theory of communism is based on the control of the masses for the great goal, not individuals. Besides, communism leads to the withering away of the state, because it will be no longer needed.

And Starlight could make a discussions with Twilight about it. Wouldn't that be interesting? Yay dialectics!
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #E846
Background Pony #E846
"@Background Pony #0268":/images/2163750#comment_8518456
Thanks to some unsuccessful practical implementations, when the ideas of communism were processed and distorted, (and western propaganda), people believe that communism was related to authoritarianism and the cult of personality. In fact, Marxism is an absolutely anti-authoritarian ideology hostile to any personality cult. The whole theory of communism is based on the control of the masses for the great goal, not individuals. Besides, communism leads to the withering away of the state, because it will be no longer needed.

And Starlight could make a discussions with Twilight about it. Wouldn't that be interesting? Yay dialectics!
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #E846