Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #6724 on image #2136328

Background Pony #6724
"[@Background Pony #D101":](/images/2136328#comment_8437836
There's a difference between learning or vectoring art, versus trying to pass traced art off as your own.
IIRC, this artist in particular was caught doing exactly that, and didn't list their traced sources.
EDIT: It's a damn shame too, because I liked the art they made. Wouldn't have cared if they mentioned they traced it so long as they were honest about it.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #6724
Background Pony #6724
"@Background Pony #D101":/images/2136328#comment_8437836
There's a difference between learning or vectoring art, versus trying to pass traced art off as your own.
IIRC, this artist in particular was caught doing exactly that, and didn't list their traced sources.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #6724