Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #7C8D on image #2125577

Background Pony #7C8D
"[@Background Pony #B6B0":](/1503010#comment_6390944
You never seen a Teenagers Room before have you? They don't follow logic; it is however more possible that Sunset is not a Morning Person.
Also "Rope Light" exist, it's popular, sure it's not good lighting; but that never stopped Lava Lamps ether.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #7C8D
Background Pony #7C8D
"@Background Pony #B6B0":/1503010#comment_6390944
You never seen a Teenagers Room before have you? They don't follow logic; it is however it is more possible that Sunset is not a Morning Person.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #7C8D
Background Pony #7C8D
"@Background Pony #B6B0":/1503010#comment_6390944
You never seen a Teenagers Room before have you? They don't follow logic; it is however it is more possible that Sunset is not a Morning Person.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #7C8D