Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Terminal Rex on image #2120764

Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
Her character arc, such as it was, did not was about self improvement and accepting friendship and the risks it comes with.

Alicornship was not only unnecessary but would have removed one of the key differences between her and twilight.
You want to exalt her by Turning her into the Twilight clone you refute her to be.

Not being an alicorn was the best thing for her.
No reason given
Edited by Terminal Rex
Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
Her character arc, such as it was did not was about self improvement and accepting friendship and the risks it comes with.

Alicornship was not only unnecessary but would have removed one of the key differences between her and twilight.
You want to exalt her by Turning her into the Twilight clone you refute her to be.

Not being an alicorn was the best thing for her.
No reason given
Edited by Terminal Rex