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Background Pony #1FE9
and they are all right.
Let's number a few mess ups they made so far (and a few that might happen

1) Letting the princesses retire for no reason.
2) Forcing Twilight (and therefore also her friends) to become the new ruler without even asking her (buy our toys)
3) Bringing back Sombra (a more or less dead character) back without even explaining how
4) Destroying the Tree of Harmony only to bring it back as a treehouse (buy our toys)
5) Creating a fucking watch to harness the most powerful magic of the whole show - controling the sun and the moon - and therefore making Celestia and Luna worthless, whose talent/destiny it is to do that job.

6) Most likely destroying Canterlot and making Ponyville the new capital of Equestria (buy our toys?)
7) In the worst case, killing of the princesses

Those are only the information I have, since I only watched episode 1 and 2 of season 9. After hearing about 5), the season became none-canon to me.
But that's what happens if you hire writers who didn't even watch the older episodes/seasons at all
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #1FE9
Background Pony #1FE9
and they are all right.
Let's number a few mess ups they made so far (and a few that might happen

1) Letting the princesses retire for no reason.
2) Forcing Twilight (and therefore also her friends) to become the new ruler without even asking her (buy our toys)
3) Bringing back Sombra (a more or less dead character) back without even explaining how
4) Destroying the Tree of Harmony only to bring it back as a treehouse (buy our toys)
5) Creating a fucking watch to harness the most powerful magic of the whole show - controling the sun and the moon - and therefore making Celestia and Luna worthless, whose talent/destiny it is to do that job.

6) Most likely destroying Canterlot and making Ponyville the new capital of Equestria (buy our toys?)
7) In the worst case, killing of the princesses

Those are only the information I have, since I only watched episode 1 and 2 of season 9. After hearing about 5), the season became none-canon to me.
But that's what happens if you hire writers who didn't even watch the older episodes/seasons at all
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #1FE9