Viewing last 25 versions of comment by JayzPoni on image #2099457


I was only removing tags from post that i figured weren't necessarily shipping, i figured that since it was a vector of official art that it wouldn't be up to the fan artist to decide that it would be shipping. I'll admit my targets were based out of bias, which i'll now tone down the blind zealotry. I did get a message from mods explaining why i was wrong and i promised that i would stop. That being said i would like to humbly apologize to anyone who i inconveniced. Also sorry if this sounded trite, i'm just not very good with words. So again sorry everyone.

P.s. if anyone still has problems with any past posts that i have changed i'll gladly voice my reasoning for that change and if you still believe that i am in the wrong then i'll change bqack the tag myself.
Reason: Added a p.s., and fixed a spelling error
Edited by JayzPoni

I was only removing tags from post that i figured weren't necessarily shipping, i figured that since it was a vector of official art that it wouldn't be up to the fan artist to decide that it would be shipping. I'll admit my targets were based out of bias, which i'll now tone down the blind zealotry. I did get a message from mods explaining why i was wrong and i promised that i would stop. That being said i would like to humbly apologize to anyone who i inconveniced. Also sorry if this sounded trite, i'm just not very good with words. So again sorry everyone.

P.s. if anyone still has problems with any past posts that i have changed i'll gladly voice my reasoning for that change and if you still believe that i am in the wrong then i'll change bqck the tag myself.
Reason: Added a p.s.
Edited by JayzPoni

I was only removing tags from post that i figured weren't necessarily shipping, i figured that since it was a vector of official art that it wouldn't be up to the fan artist to decide that it would be shipping. I'll admit my targets were based out of bias, which i'll now tone down the blind zealotry. I did get a message from mods explaining why i was wrong and i promised that i would stop. That being said i would like to humbly apologize to anyone who i inconveniced. Also sorry if this sounded trite, i'm just not very good with words. So again sorry everyone.
No reason given
Edited by JayzPoni