Viewing last 25 versions of comment by dragon lord on image #2068236

dragon lord
Artist -

Spike FTW
"[@Background Pony #229C":](/2068236#comment_8228820
Not exactly because the one I responded to before you said DIDNEY WORL which is the name of one of SMG4’s videos and then you had to be a real buzz kill by asking why I reference some of the unfunniest you tubers which is not a very nice question to ask because you’re basically saying that I shouldn’t watch these you tubers which is never okay for people who have never seen their videos. Now please if you see me referencing a youtuber you don’t like, then just ignore me and please comment about what’s going on in the image above.
No reason given
Edited by dragon lord
dragon lord
Artist -

Spike FTW
"@Background Pony #229C":/2068236#comment_8228820
Not exactly because the one I responded to before you said DIDNEY WORL which is the name of one of SMG4’s videos and then you had to be a real buzz kill by asking why I reference some of the unfunniest you tubers which is not a very nice question to ask because you’re basically saying that I shouldn’t watch these you tubers which is never okay for people who have never seen their videos. Now please if you see me referencing a youtuber you don’t like, then just ignore me and comment about what’s going on in the image above.
No reason given
Edited by dragon lord