Viewing last 25 versions of comment by TheAmazingPeanuts on image #2049905


"[@Ghost Reviews":](/2040534#comment_8138428

Did we see them blushing like Yona and Sandbar did in the last episode? No. Nothing gonna happened between Spike and Smolder other then them being friends.

You can ship them all you want but it's not canon, get over it.
No reason given
Edited by TheAmazingPeanuts

"@Ghost Reviews":/2040534#comment_8138428

Did we see them blushing like Yona and Sandbar did in the last episode? No. Nothing gonna happened between Spike and Smolder other then them being friends.

You can ship them all you want but not canon, get over it.
No reason given
Edited by TheAmazingPeanuts

"@Ghost Reviews":/2040534#comment_8138428

Did we see them blushing like Yona and Sandbar did in the last episode? No. Nothing gonna happened between Spike and Smolder othemr then them being friends.

You can ship them all you want but not canon get over it.
No reason given
Edited by TheAmazingPeanuts

"@Ghost Reviews":/2040534#comment_8138428

Did we see them blushing like Yona and Sandbar did in the last episode? No. Nothing gonna happened between them then them being friends.

You can ship them all you want but not canon get over it.
No reason given
Edited by TheAmazingPeanuts