Viewing last 25 versions of comment by MagnificentTrixie on image #2020358

Duck - Back in the day it was hip to quack on ugly alicorn OCs

Infrequent Shitposter
how you can comment on all of these without remembering that she was reluctant to sleep with him and only said yes when he convinced her it would be safe, when his intention was to get her pregnant from the beginning. Jet is scum of the highest order. Stop making excuses.
No reason given
Edited by MagnificentTrixie
Duck - Back in the day it was hip to quack on ugly alicorn OCs

Infrequent Shitposter
how you can comment on all of these without remembering that she was reluctant to sleep with him and only said yes when he convinced her it would be safe, when his intention was to get her pregnant from the beginning. Jet is scum of the highest order.
No reason given
Edited by MagnificentTrixie