Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Flummoxed Phoenix on image #1999948

Flummoxed Phoenix
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Orange skin, white freckles, blond hair, green eyes, American accent... Yes, it's a rule 63 Applejack."
Except all the times in the show that she doesn't.
No reason given
Edited by Flummoxed Phoenix
Flummoxed Phoenix
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Orange skin, white freckles, blond hair, green eyes, American accent... Yes, it's a rule 63 Applejack."
Except all the times in the show that she doesn't.
No reason given
Edited by Flummoxed Phoenix
Flummoxed Phoenix
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Orange skin, white freckles, blond hair, green eyes, American accent... Yes, it's a rule 63 Applejack."@TheMultiBrony21":/1998333#comment_8001689
Except all the times in the show that she doesn't.
No reason given
Edited by Flummoxed Phoenix