Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Evil Emperor Proteus on image #1973375

Evil Emperor Proteus

Master of Science

"I will bring the trees corpse to her, cast it at her feet. It will be as if killing her children. I will kill all she protects, all she shields, until her hands are drenched in blood."

I will tip my hat to anyone who recognizes the quote. Which has been altered slightly, of course.
No reason given
Edited by Evil Emperor Proteus
Evil Emperor Proteus

Master of Science
"I will bring the trees corpse to her, cast it at her feet. It will be as if killing her children. I will kill all she protects, all she shields, until her hands are drenched in blood."

I will tip my hat to anyone who recognizes the quote. Which has been altered slightly, of course.
No reason given
Edited by Evil Emperor Proteus