Subjects of Equestria! We are pleased to kick off the Nightmare Night Festivities and the 14th anniversary of the return of our beloved Princess Luna! Join us in celebration!

Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Eroraf86 on image #1969322


"[@Background Pony #F56E":](/1969322#comment_7909235
Depends on which moon is doing the peeing. I'd rather be peed on by Enceladus than Io. Mostly because water is a lot less hazardous than sulfur. Plus, close-up views of Saturn's rings!||
Reason: Rule #7
Edited by Mildgyth

"@Background Pony #F56E":/1969322#comment_7909235
Depends on which moon is doing the peeing. I'd rather be peed on by Enceladus than Io. Mostly because water is a lot less hazardous than sulfur. Plus, close-up views of Saturn's rings!
No reason given
Edited by Mildgyth