Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Solstar on image #1940483

Artist -

Pone Power
Yeah but the thing is.. yours wasn't CRITICAL.. it was a two word remark what doesn't really help me in the slightest.
Like how am I actually gonna do ANYTHING with that. And to make it even worse.. ONCE AGAIN.. YOU DIDN'T ACTUALLY MAKE A CRITICAL COMMENT YOU KNOW. Look up ANY TYPE of GOOD critical stuff and you'll find it's written
A BIT more indepth and tends to have actual thought and not driven by preference.

Like any artist would know this.. ALSO i didn't actually ASK for any "criticisms" on this piece BECAUSE of what I already knew.

Instead of making your stupid comments how about instead.. ONE.. ASKING if the artist is taking criticism at the time

Write something a little more helpful next time.

Your fucking welcome.
No reason given
Edited by Solstar
Artist -

Pone Power
Yeah but the thing is.. yours wasn't CRITICAL.. it was a two word remark what doesn't really help me in the slightest.
Like how am I actually gonna do ANYTHING with that. And to make it even worse.. ONCE AGAIN.. YOU DIDN'T ACTUALLY MAKE A CRITICAL COMMENT YOU KNOW. Look up ANY TYPE of GOOD critical stuff and you'll find it's written
A BIT more indepth and tends to have actual thought and not driven by preference.

Like any artist would know this.. ALSO i didn't actually ASK for any "criticisms" on this piece BECAUSE of what I already knew.

Instead of making your stupid comments how about instead.. ONE.. ASKING if the artist is taking criticism at the time

Write something a little more helpful next time.

Your fucking welcome.
No reason given
Edited by Solstar