Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Joseph Raszagal on image #1930833

Joseph Raszagal
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Emily Brickenbrackle III
Spokespony: "Other features include, but are not limited to:

- Fluency in over 20 languages of your choice
- Specialized training in various medical fields of your choice
- Super strength upgrade; Don't let her small size fool you!
- Hyperactivity ADHD "upgrade"
- Glasses upgrade, for maximum cuteness
- Musical aptitude upgrade (Comes with a free tiny-sized guitar for her to play)
- Nerd obsession upgrade; Comic books, filmography, retro gaming, 70s rock and roll (If you can name it, she'll love it and know _*way_* more about it than anyone living or dead!)
- ~~Black Magic upgrade-~~ [spoiler]||(Option removed due to the possibility of unknowable forces being summoned from the deep, dark space between spaces)[/spoiler]

And of course, a selection of over 300 super cute outfits and accessories for her to wear! She's the one and only Medi-Bat, the most adorable damn nurse this side of liteverally nurse in every anime nurse ever!"

Medi: **[Messily eating a peach from the inside out after burrowing into it]** "That's me!"
Reason: More beer! I'LL TELL YOU WHEN I'M DONE!
Edited by Joseph Raszagal