Crimson Prose
Gore Fics For Fun
"That's impossible" is a metaphor people use when they are surprised; it doesn't necessarily mean it's literally impossible or that it won't become possible after research, particularly with the fact that changelings will probably now allow ponies to study how they shift. Secondly, 'magical lesbian spawn' doesn't require a dick to be involved at all. I mean this is something we are close to being able to do in real life via cellular reprogramming and stem cells, so to say magic can't is kind of silly.
"That's impossible" is a metaphor people use when they are surprised; it doesn't necessarily mean it's literally impossible or that it won't become possible after research, particularly with the fact that changelings will probably now allow ponies to study how they shift. Secondly, 'magical lesbian spawn' doesn't require a dick to be involved at all. I mean this is something we are close to being able to do in real life via cellular reprogramming and stem cells, so to say magic can't is kind of silly.