Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Alex on image #1883062

Wallet After Summer Sale -

@apex soundwave if I could make a suggestion, this image and a few of your other images have really bad artifacting. I'm not sure where you get your screencaps from but if you get them from the itunes rips then you'll get much better quality images to work with
edit: I can't figure out how to make my text @ him properly because I'm a pleb
No reason given
Edited by Alex
Wallet After Summer Sale -

@apex soundwave if I could make a suggestion, this image and a few of your other images have really bad artifacting. I'm not sure where you get your screencaps from but if you get them from the itunes rips then you'll get much better quality images to work with
No reason given
Edited by Alex
Wallet After Summer Sale -

@apex if I could make a suggestion, this image and a few of your other images have really bad artifacting. I'm not sure where you get your screencaps from but if you get them from the itunes rips then you'll get much better quality images to work with
No reason given
Edited by Alex