Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #726A on image #1881018

Background Pony #726A
"[@Neko Majin C":](/1881018#comment_7675993

Unfortunately I wasted most of the first few days. So I wasn't even able to finish the quest (I would have to buy a ridiculous amount of gems on the last day to finish).
I will have to eventually look it up to see what the dialogue was for the last part (I like to finish the quests to read the dialogue).
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #726A
Background Pony #726A
"@Neko Majin C":/1881018#comment_7675993

Unfortunately I wasted most of the first few days. So I wasn't even able to finish the quest (I would have to buy a ridiculous amount of gems on the last day to finish). I will have to eventually look it up to see what the dialogue was for the last part (I like to finish the quests to read the dialogue).
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #726A