Viewing last 25 versions of comment by ShiiKra on image #1863919


Silverstream's #1 Fan
"[@Dirty Bit":](/1818280#comment_7431279
I feel like it'll be 2. They'll probably come up with a plan for him to join Neighsay [spoi||lerlike Fluttershy joined Starlight in the season 5 premiere[/spoiler]|| and get on his good side so he can help get them free. Because there are several different screenshots that show him chained up with them at different times.
No reason given
Edited by ShiiKra

Silverstream's #1 Fan
"@Dirty Bit":/1818280#comment_7431279
I feel like it'll be 2. They'll probably come up with a plan for him to join Neighsay [spoilerlike Fluttershy joined Starlight in the season 5 premiere[/spoiler] and get on his good side so he can help get them free. Because there are several different screenshots that show him chained up with them at different times.
No reason given
Edited by ShiiKra