Viewing last 25 versions of comment by FlutterButterButt on image #1823349


Ok buddy
I know what it means, but i dont think its hard to figure out who said anon is according to tag changes. And im pretty sure tagging like that is against the rules, and also to act like someone else to support your opinion. Then again who knows. Mabye there are 2 people who thinks this is what fat is, and im completely wrong
Reason: Felt wrong
Edited by FlutterButterButt

Ok buddy
I know what it means, but i dont think its hard to figure out who said anon is according to tag changes. And im pretty sure tagging like that is against the rules, and also to act like someone else to support your opinion. Then again who knows. Mabye there are 2 people who thinks this is what fat is
No reason given
Edited by FlutterButterButt