Viewing last 25 versions of comment by TheMultiBrony21 on image #1806753

Wallet After Summer Sale -
Artist -

Mal Hearts
"[@Background Pony #C32D":](/1806753#comment_7389004
It means they will take on the abilities of another but they won't be good aet the talents.

Example: Rarity got Rd's ability but not her talent.

Difference between Ability and Talent: Ability means you can do something, whereas Talent means you're good at something.

Anyways... Why post this now? I'm pretty sure that the fandom already had this discussion when the episode aired, five years ago.
No reason given
Edited by TheMultiBrony21
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Artist -

Mal Hearts
"@Background Pony #C32D":/1806753#comment_7389004
It means they will take on the abilities of another but they won't be good at the talents.

Example: Rarity got Rd's ability but not her talent.

Difference between Ability and Talent: Ability means you can do something, whereas Talent means you're good at something.

Anyways... Why post this now? I'm pretty sure that the fandom already had this discussion when the episode aired, five years ago.
No reason given
Edited by TheMultiBrony21