Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Billystorm on image #1787182

Artist -

"[@Background Pony #C5F4":](/1787182#comment_7325527

This. I don't mean to shittalk soarindash fans or anything but quite a lot of them force their ship on you. I get it soarindash's nice and all but we could use some variety. Soarinfire has just as much reason to exist as soarindash. They're teammates and are pretty close, andfeel youfree canto let your imagination fill the voidrest =D
No reason given
Edited by Billystorm
Artist -

"@Background Pony #C5F4":/1787182#comment_7325527

This. I don't mean to shittalk soarindash fans or anything but quite a lot of them force their ship on you. I get it soarindash's nice and all but we could use some variety. Soarinfire has just as much reason to exist as soarindash. They're teammates and are pretty close, and your can let your imagination fill the void =D
No reason given
Edited by Billystorm