Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #87B2 on image #1786204

Background Pony #87B2
"[@Parallel Black":](/1786204#comment_7324200
And why the characters are like this? Can you spell out hidden meaning for us, so that meaning becomes meaningless? Or maybe sharp transition of 'unknown meaning' to 'meaningless' *is* the meaning of this picture?
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #87B2
Background Pony #87B2
"@Parallel Black":/1786204#comment_7324200
And why the characters are like this? Can you spell out hidden meaning for us, so that meaning becomes meaningless? Or maybe sharp transition of 'unknown meaning' to 'meaningless' is the meaning of this picture?
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #87B2
Background Pony #87B2
"@Parallel Black":/1786204#comment_7324200
And why character are like this? Can you spell out hidden meaning for us, so that meaning becomes meaningless? Or maybe sharp transition of 'unknown meaning' to 'meaningless' is the meaning of this picture?
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #87B2