Viewing last 25 versions of comment by ispammail on image #1782999

Non-Fungible Trixie -

Your advertisments here!
But then, the ponies - even the pre-war, hasbro ponies - can take some hits.
I have to think of Twilight getting hit by a piano or an anvil.

200 years later, the wasteland only keeping the strongest ponies, I believe those can handle some tough sh*t.

[spoiler]waistland typo lol[/spoiler]
Reason: "waistland"
Edited by ispammail
Non-Fungible Trixie -

Your advertisments here!
But then, the ponies - even the pre-war, hasbro ponies - can take some hits.
I have to think of Twilight getting hit by a piano or an anvil.

200 years later, the wasteland only keeping the strongest ponies, I believe those can handle some tough sh*t.

[spoiler]waistland typo lol[/spoiler]
No reason given
Edited by ispammail