Viewing last 25 versions of comment by FlacidTurkey on image #1769888


"[@Yet One More Idiot":](/1769888#comment_8045316
Yeah, THAT is an end of the world scenario!! Mankind does not have to be dead in order to consider it an end of the world scenario. Even if they are all turned to ponies, I doubt that any of them won't know dick about what or how to operate their own bodies. Nevermind that everything that mankind has built, created and striven for gets decked by a bitch who's her fathers own experiment. All the while taking care of creatures which according to his own statements, are the cause of magic leaks into the world to begin with. Matter of facet how the hell was this nut job able to escape and remain undetected for this long with all the shit he does on a seemingly daily basis?

Again, Where the hell is the SCP? They need to tag, bag, and drag these lunatics to a facility far from here, and also dispose of this world ending crap here. The foundation should also go after the company this guy worked for. How the heck they kept their stuff secret for so long I do not know.
No reason given
Edited by FlacidTurkey

"@Yet One More Idiot":/1769888#comment_8045316
Yeah, THAT is an end of the world scenario!! Mankind does not have to be dead in order to consider it an end of the world scenario. Even if they are all turned to ponies, I doubt that any of them won't know dick about what or how to operate their own bodies. Nevermind that everything that mankind has built, created and striven for gets decked by a bitch who's her fathers own experiment. All the while taking care of creatures which according to his own statements, are the cause of magic leaks into the world to begin with. Matter of face how the hell was this nut job able to escape and remain undetected for this long with all the shit he does on a seemingly daily basis?

Again, Where the hell is the SCP? They need to tag, bag, and drag these lunatics to a facility far from here, and also dispose of this world ending crap here. The foundation should also go after the company this guy worked for. How the heck they kept their stuff secret for so long I do not know.
No reason given
Edited by FlacidTurkey