Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Pagan on image #1730159


Gay Viking
"[@Bexar Bandito":](/1730159#comment_7147584
lol, you're calling the people who weren't offended by the picture bullies and toxic while the guy who was had to be told by the mods to leave people alone and have his comments deleted because of how toxic they were.

Most of the people here have stated so blatantly they don't support Nazi's and yet are still being called Nazi's anyway becuase fuck context. If you hate it so much just add it to your filters.
No reason given
Edited by Pagan

Gay Viking
"@Bexar Bandito":/1730159#comment_7147584
lol, you're calling the people who weren't offended by the picture bullies and toxic while the guy who was had to be told by the mods to leave people alone and have his comments deleted because of how toxic they were.

Most of the people have stated so blatantly they don't support Nazi's and yet are still being called Nazi's anyway becuase fuck context. If you hate it so much just add it to your filters.
No reason given
Edited by Pagan