Viewing last 25 versions of comment by BackgroundLoL on image #1667430

Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)

"[@Chuy Ryu":](/1667430#comment_6933703
Chuy Ryu, you _*really_* start to come of as obssesive - I just thought it came of to _*me_* you were hounding Sci-Twi x Sumnset submissions, and posts. But as you post against it, again I really don't think those are _*just_* my subjective observations, and you really have some sort grudge against Sci-Twi x Sunset and/or it's shippers, and especially this submission (Which was just tagged _*shipping fuel_* from the start! As I mention again). I mean it's you're third, unrelated post against it.

Yes, the joke is funny, but it's less so now, because how you did such stuff _*twice_* before.


Not to mentioned, isn't "hounding" a ship and shipper kinda against the rules? I saw users being reprimanded by mods for doing it, or even punished. To be clear, I'm **not** threatening you Chuy Ryu, just saying the obvious. Especially that mods were not exactly happy after the last weeks shipping and anti-shipping discussions and pics.[/spoiler]||
No reason given
Edited by BackgroundLoL
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)

"@Chuy Ryu":/1667430#comment_6933703
Chuy Ryu, you _really_ start to come of as obssesive - I just thought it came of to _me_ you were hounding Sci-Twi x Sumset submissions, and posts. But as you post against it, again I really don't think those are _just_ my subjective observations, and you really have some sort grudge against Sci-Twi x Sunset and/or it's shippers, and especially this submission (Which was just tagged _shipping fuel_ from the start! As I mention again). I mean it's you're third, unrelated post against it.

Yes, the joke is funny, but it's less so now, because how you did such stuff _twice_ before.

[spoiler]Not to mentioned, isn't "hounding" a ship and shipper kinda against the rules? I saw users being reprimanded by mods for doing it, or even punished. To be clear, I'm *not* threatening you Chuy Ryu, just saying the obvious. Especially that mods were not exactly happy after the last weeks shipping and anti-shipping discussions and pics.[/spoiler]
No reason given
Edited by BackgroundLoL
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)

"@Chuy Ryu":/1667430#comment_6933703
Chuy Ryu, you _really_ start to come of as obssesive - I just thought it came of to _me_ you were hounding Sci-Twi x Sumset submissions, and posts. But as you post against it, again I really don't think those are _just_ my subjective observations, and you really have some sort grudge against Sci-Twi x Sunset and/or it's shippers, and especially this submission (Which was just tagged _shipping fuel_ from the start!). I mean it's you're third, unrelated post against it.

Yes, the joke is funny, but it's less so now, because how you did such stuff _twice_ before.

[spoiler]Not to mentioned, isn't "hounding" a ship and shipper kinda against the rules? I saw users being reprimanded by mods for doing it, or even punished. To be clear, I'm *not* threatening you Chuy Ryu, just saying the obvious. Especially that mods were not exactly happy after the last weeks shipping and anti-shipping discussions and pics.[/spoiler]
No reason given
Edited by BackgroundLoL