Viewing last 25 versions of comment by FSin on image #1658886


You know, taking a happy picture in front of someone depressed, even if it's someone they don't like, and flaunting it, kinda makes them assholes. And it's not even like they didn't know Sunset was watching at the window. I think this special shows that for as strong as the mane six/seven's friendship is, and despite the positives it's had, it can also be kind of obnoxious and toxic.
No reason given
Edited by FSin

You know, taking a happy picture in front of someone depressed, even if it's someone they don't like, and flaunting it, kinda makes them assholes. And it's not even like they didn't know Sunset was watching at the window. I think this special shows that for as strong as the mane six/seven's friendship is, it can also be kind of obnoxious and toxic.
No reason given
Edited by FSin

You know, taking a happy picture in front of someone depressed, even if it's someone they don't like, kinda makes them assholes. And it's not even like they didn't know Sunset was watching at the window.
No reason given
Edited by FSin