Viewing last 25 versions of comment by EmeraldArcher on image #1656514


I love *everything single about this*, but the Cheerilee's Cutie Mark just looks so happy for them...


@Background Pony #571F":](/1656514#comment_6894751
Thought the exact same thing, glad I actually checked to see if another based anon caught the same brainwave.

Still, it's nice in it's own way. Like she's controlling her lust to make sure the kiss is special [spoiler]||and by the book(s)...[/spoiler]||
No reason given
Edited by EmeraldArcher

I love everything single about this, but the Cheerilee's Cutie Mark just looks so happy for them...

"@Background Pony #571F":/1656514#comment_6894751
Thought the exact same thing, glad I actually checked to see if another based anon caught the same brainwave.

Still, it's nice in it's own way. Like she's controlling her lust to make sure the kiss is special [spoiler]and by the book(s)...[/spoiler]
No reason given
Edited by EmeraldArcher