Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #5646 on image #1630648

Background Pony #5646
yep,i get you,hasbro's not that dumb to lose money just to see some "edgy" teenagers's joy on seeing their beloved pinkamena(fandom) become canon and wrecking everything that moves like Varok Saurfang,MLP's based on positive emotions(friendship,love,happiness etc...) not a "gorefest" like some RPG's and most of the horror games and movies,and it's ABSOLUTELY PERFECT THE WAY IT IS,WHO THE HELL NEEDS GORE AND DEATHS WHEN YOU GOT FRIENDSHIP?
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Edited by Background Pony #5646
Background Pony #5646
yep,i get you,hasbro's not that dumb to lose money just to see some "edgy" teenagers's joy on seeing their beloved pinkamena(fandom) become canon and wrecking everything that moves like Varok Saurfang,MLP's based on positive emotions(friendship,love,happiness etc...) not a "gorefest" like some RPG's and most of the horror games and movies
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #5646
Background Pony #5646
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #5646