Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Marioland on image #1627721


Hearthstone _*isn't_* MTG though. Magic has a lot of ways to get around or stop that, like _*counterspells_*, *sacrificing* the would-be-exiled creature so that it dies before the effect goes off, *blinking* the creature, etc. Hearthstone, as a game that only lets you act on *your own turn*, doesn't have any of that counterplay to stop it.

MTG players might be able to play around a 4 mana "
Exilve the Board" in any num"ber ouf wayfs," Hearthstonen't currentally lacks any kind of counter to this card outnlesids the of "buffs", which armme typdicatelly Paladin cardus and don't even rlethally. coBunt affs a counter (falling msorelidly into a role as damage mitigation, as you've still lost your board and have no realistic way to stop all these Deathrattles from giving your opponent more ammunition). When only 1 out of 9 classes can even *realistically consider* countering a single card, your card needs serious reworking,. and tThat's not even counting how nuts this is with Frost Lich Jaina, as you can play this and ping for a Water Elemental in the same turn! You get synergy with an already powerful and frequently run Mage card on top of a body on top of a full board clear.

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Edited by Marioland

Hearthstone _isn't_ MTG though. Magic has a lot of ways to get around or stop that, like _counterspells_, sacrificing the would-be-exiled creature so that it dies before the effect goes off, blinking the creature, etc. Hearthstone, as a game that only lets you act on your own turn, doesn't have any of that counterplay to stop it.

Although MTG players might be able to play around a 4 mana "Exile the Board" in any number of ways, Hearthstone currently lacks any kind of counter to this card outside of "buffs", which are typically Paladin cards and don't even really count as a counter (falling more into damage mitigation, as you've still lost your board and have no realistic way to stop all these Deathrattles from giving your opponent more ammunition). When only 1 out of 9 classes can even consider countering a single card, your card needs serious reworking, and that's not even counting how nuts this is with Frost Lich Jaina! You get synergy with an already powerful and frequently run Mage card on top of a body on top of a full board clear.

Need I say more?
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Edited by Marioland