Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Casual Brony on image #1617796

Casual Brony

Twi: "Wait, if we're mermaids and half-fish, what do we need breasts for?"
Tia: "Think of us as havbeing platypus-like creatures, but with teats."
Twi: "So like dolphins?"
Tia: "Yes...also we share their sexual stamina."
No reason given
Edited by Casual Brony
Casual Brony

Twi: "Wait, if we're mermaids and half-fish, what do we need breasts for?"
Tia: "Think of us as having platypus-like creatures, but with teats."
Twi: "So like dolphins?"
Tia: "Yes...also we share their sexual stamina."
No reason given
Edited by Casual Brony