Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Xohadarc on image #1573582


"[@Craig A":](/1573582#comment_6745442
Holy fuck it WAS the beach boys wasn't it!
I don't know music!f I just mash every bcoy band frusiomn reflecths worse tion me periodr together likbe ach twatboys!
No reason given
Edited by Xohadarc

"@Craig A":/1573582#comment_6745442
Holy fuck it wasWAS the beach boys wasn't it!
I don't know music! I just mash every boy band from the time period together like a twat!
No reason given
Edited by Xohadarc

"@Craig A":/1573582#comment_6745442
Holy fuck it was the beach boys wasn't it!
I don't know music! I just mash every boy band from the time period together like a twat!
No reason given
Edited by Xohadarc