Viewing last 25 versions of comment by CruFox on image #1555542

Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Artist -

Tag? Tag.
"[@The Walhi Llama":](/1555542#comment_6575076
Why this should be tagged "[furry":](/tags/furry) if he is a character from the show? FThe "furry" tag descirpiption is:

non-mlp anthro characters[/bq]

No reason given
Edited by CruFox
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Artist -

Tag? Tag.
Nice art :3
"@The Walhi Llama":/1555542#comment_6575076
Why this should be tagged "furry":/tags/furry if he is a character from the show? Furry tag descirpition is:
[bq]non-mlp anthro characters[/bq]

No reason given
Edited by CruFox
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Artist -

Tag? Tag.
Nice art :3
"@The Walhi Llama":/1555542#comment_6575076
HowWhy this ishould be tagged "furry":/tags/furry if he is a character from the show? Furry tag descirpition is:
[bq]non-mlp anthro characters[/bq]

No reason given
Edited by CruFox
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Artist -

Tag? Tag.
Nice art :3
"@The Walhi Llama":/1555542#comment_6575076
How this is furry if he is a character from the show? Furry tag descirpition is:
[bq]non-mlp anthro characters[/bq]

No reason given
Edited by CruFox