Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Mojo on image #1553891



I tend to try and compare stuff to stuff it's similar to, cause I enjoy everything for different reasons and I find it really weird to try and rate say, an action adventure movie to a horror movie on the same scale. That's just me and how I operate though.

To be honest and you might bash me for this, Id take Phantom Menace over Force Awakens. It has tons of flaws but at least it's not a worse rehash of the first movie in the franchise and nothing made me face palm as hard as fucking Starkiller Base. Im hoping for a hell of a lot more Rogue One which I thought was great and probably objectively the best Star Wars since Empire (even if Subjectively I think I enjoy ROTJ more and ROTS about as much) and less Force Awakens from The Last Jedi.

Anyway TPM is fresh at 55% because I think back then 50% was the threshold for "Fresh" rather than 60% and movies from that period have had their status basically grandfathered over.
Anyway at the time TPM pretty much revolutionized visuals in films. So it got a lot of points for that when it comes to review scores of the era in general. Like we all might hate Jar Jar, hell I do, but he was the first fully motion capture to CGI character ever, which was a big fucking deal in regards to visual effects development.
No reason given
Edited by Mojo


I tend to try and compare stuff to stuff it's similar to, cause I enjoy everything for different reasons and I find it really weird to try and rate say, an action adventure movie to a horror movie on the same scale. That's just me and how I operate though.

To be honest and you might bash me for this, Id take Phantom Menace over Force Awakens. It has tons of flaws but at least it's not a worse rehash of the first movie in the franchise and nothing made me face palm as hard as fucking Starkiller Base. Im hoping for a hell of a lot more Rogue One which I thought was great and probably objectively the best Star Wars since Empire (even if Subjectively I think I enjoy ROTJ more and ROTS about as much) and less Force Awakens from The Last Jedi.

Anyway TPM is fresh at 55% because I think back then 50% was the threshold for "Fresh" rather than 60% and movies from that period have had their status basically grandfathered over.
Anyway at the time TPM pretty much revolutionized visuals in films. So it got a lot of points for that when it comes to review scores of the era in general.
No reason given
Edited by Mojo


I tend to try and compare stuff to stuff it's similar to, cause I enjoy everything for different reasons and I find it really weird to try and rate say, an action adventure movie to a horror movie on the same scale. That's just me and how I operate though.

be honest and you might bash me for this, Id take Phantom Menace over Force Awakens. It has tons of flaws but at least it's not a worse rehash of the first movie in the franchise and nothing made me face palm as hard as fucking Starkiller Base. Im hoping for a hell of a lot more Rogue One which I thought was great and probably objectively the best Star Wars since Empire (even if Subjectively I think I enjoy ROTJ more and ROTS about as much) and less Force Awakens from The Last Jedi.

Anyway TPM is fresh at 55% because I think back then 50% was the threshold for "Fresh" rather than 60% and movies from that period have had their status basically grandfathered over.
Anyway at the time TPM pretty much revolutionized visuals in films. So it got a lot of points for that.
No reason given
Edited by Mojo


To be honest and you might bash me for this, Id take Phantom Menace over Force Awakens. It has tons of flaws but at least it's not a worse rehash of the first movie in the franchise and nothing made me face palm as hard as fucking Starkiller Base. Im hoping for a hell of a lot more Rogue One which I thought was great and probably objectively the best Star Wars since Empire (even if Subjectively I think I enjoy ROTJ more and ROTS about as much) and less Force Awakens from The Last Jedi.

Anyway TPM is fresh at 55% because I think back then 50% was the threshold for "Fresh" rather than 60% and movies from that period have had their status basically grandfathered over.
Anyway at the time TPM pretty much revolutionized visuals in films. So it got a lot of points for that.
No reason given
Edited by Mojo


To be honest and you might bash me for this, Id take Phantom Menace over Force Awakens. It has tons of flaws but at least it's not a worse rehash of the first movie in the franchise and nothing made me face palm as hard as fucking Starkiller Base. Im hoping for a hell of a lot more Rogue One and less Force Awakens from The Last Jedi.

Anyway TPM is fresh at 55% because I think back then 50% was the threshold for "Fresh" rather than 60% and movies from that period have had their status basically grandfathered over.
Anyway at the time TPM pretty much revolutionized visuals in films. So it got a lot of points for that.
No reason given
Edited by Mojo


To be honest and you might bash me for this, Id take Phantom Menace over Force Awakens. It has tons of flaws but at least it's not a worse rehash of the first movie in the franchise and nothing made me face palm as hard as fucking Starkiller Base.

Anyway TPM is fresh at 55% because I think back then 50% was the threshold for "Fresh" rather than 60% and movies from that period have had their status basically grandfathered over.
Anyway at the time TPM pretty much revolutionized visuals in films. So it got a lot of points for that.
No reason given
Edited by Mojo