Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Feyd on image #1538018


"@Darth Sonic":/1538018#comment_6519802
There are two issues here. One is the validity of the so-called horseshoe theory. Two is who is trotting it out as an aspersion.

First, the horseshoe theory is pretty much nonsense [1]. Feel free to make a falsifiable model (I searched for one, it doesn't seem like anyone has bothered to even try to make this scientific) though and present it to me; I'd be glad to see it tested instead of just asserted as true/false. Second as to who is the one bringing up the horseshoe theory to smear their perceived opponents-it's mostly the self-described "centrists" [2]. I've seen so much dumb shit comparing Bernie Sanders to Trump, and Sander's supporters to Trump's supporters. I've seen it in the news, on twitter, on other social media. Maybe it's different in these forums, I just got on this site recently. Here's the last part-"centrist" in the United States, at least for the political and pundit class, is in that upper-right quadrant. Sanders is a veritable communist to the screeching political class and the fascists, but he's only slightly on the left in the political compass while most of the Dems and GOP are sitting on the top right [3 bottom of page].

But really, you've seen Rand Paul or Gary Johnson supporters (bottom right quadrant folks) bringing up horseshoe theory at lot? Here? Who are they labeling as the extreme ends? And you're sure it's not just an incorrect use of the horseshoe theory in place of the Alex Jones "two heads of the same monster" idea (where Jones gets about 10% of reality correct, e.g. both parties serve the same corporate donors, but that's because of the money, not because of some shadowy cabal of (((people))) pulling the strings)?

No reason given
Edited by Feyd

"@Darth Sonic":/1538018#comment_6519802
There are two issues here. One is the validity of the so-called horseshoe theory. Two is who is trotting it out as an aspersion.

First, the horseshoe theory is pretty much nonsense [1]. Feel free to make a falsifiable model (I searched for one, it doesn't seem like anyone has bothered to even try to make this scientific) though and present it to me; I'd be glad to see it tested instead of just asserted as true/false. Second as to who is the one bringing up the horseshoe theory to smear their perceived opponents-it's mostly the self-described "centrists" [2]. I've seen so much dumb shit comparing Bernie Sanders to Trump, and Sander's supporters to Trump's supporters. I've seen it in the news, on twitter, on other social media. Maybe it's different in these forums, I just got on this site recently. Here's the last part-"centrist" in the United States, at least for the political and pundit class, is in that upper-right quadrant. Sanders is a veritable communist to the screeching political class and the fascists, but he's only slightly on the left in the political compass while most of the Dems and GOP are sitting on the top right [3 bottom of page].

But really, you've seen Rand Paul or Gary Johnson supporters (bottom right quadrant folks) bringing up horseshoe theory at lot? Here? Who are they labeling as the extreme ends? And you're sure it's not just an incorrect use of the horseshoe theory in place of the Alex Jones "two heads of the same monster" idea (where Jones gets about 10% of reality correct, e.g. both parties serve the same corporate donors, but that's because of the money, not because of some shadowy cabal of (((people))) pulling the strings)?

No reason given
Edited by Feyd