Viewing last 25 versions of comment by vit on image #1515562

My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
The End wasn't The End - For those that found a new home

"[@Beau Skunky":](/1515562#comment_6449246
Her horn is clearly broke. 'Else she would've magicked her way out of this. What use is a unicorn with a useless hobrn? A useless unicorn is a dkead unichorn.?
No reason given
Edited by vit
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
The End wasn't The End - For those that found a new home

"@Beau Skunky":/1515562#comment_6449246
Her horn is clearly broke. 'Else she would've magicked her way out of this. What gooduse is a unicorn with a useless horn? A useless unicorn is a dead unicorn.
No reason given
Edited by vit
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
The End wasn't The End - For those that found a new home

"@Beau Skunky":/1515562#comment_6449246
Her horn is clearly broke. 'Else she would've magicked her way out of this. What good is a unicorn with a useless horn? A useless unicorn is a dead unicorn.
No reason given
Edited by vit