Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Philweasel on image #1479470

Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.

Right About Everything
"[@Background Pony #596E":](/1442619#comment_6241881
Knocking down a door is a pretty tall order, depending on how well it's constructed. As for beating up freaking Snips and Snails... let's face it, Fluttershy could likely beat up Snips and Snails. Applejack just isn't a fighter unless she's absolutely forced to be so.

She could however carry a table one handed that two burly guys were struggling with, so she clearly has game gem or no gem.
No reason given
Edited by Philweasel
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.

Right About Everything
"@Background Pony #596E":/1442619#comment_6241881
Knocking down a door is a pretty tall order, depending on how well it's constructed. As for beating up freaking Snips and Snails... let's face it, Fluttershy could likely beat up Snips and Snails. Applejack just isn't a fighter unless she's absolutely forced to be so.
No reason given
Edited by Philweasel