Viewing last 25 versions of comment by WinterDominus on image #1473346

Artist -

Likes Queen Chrysalis
"[@Background Pony #D8C0":](/1473346#comment_6271192
Damn, people are fast. I actually thought of that and edited, but there were already 2 answers :p

And, by the way - there was no tag that would refer to it. I had to add it.
Reason: add
Edited by WinterDominus
Artist -

Likes Queen Chrysalis
"@Background Pony #D8C0":/1473346#comment_6271192
Damn, people are fast. I actually thought of that and edited, but there were already 2 answers :p

And, by the way - there was no tag that would refer to it.
Reason: add
Edited by WinterDominus
Artist -

Likes Queen Chrysalis
"@Background Pony #D8C0":/1473346#comment_6271192
Damn, people are fast. I actually thought of that and edited, but there were already 2 answers :p
No reason given
Edited by WinterDominus