Viewing last 25 versions of comment by ShimmeringStallion on image #1438145


"[@Officer Hot-Pants":](/1438145#comment_6133028

@Princess Trixie vi Equestria":](/1438145#comment_6132361

Let's see, the word underneath is "glory"...


It points to this. The tag, itself, points to a character from Gen 1 named "Glory", often compared to Rarity in terms of design.
Reason: Removed double-spacing between names.
Edited by ShimmeringStallion

"@Officer Hot-Pants":/1438145#comment_6133028

"@Princess Trixie vi Equestria":/1438145#comment_6132361

Let's see, the word underneath is "glory"...


It points to this. The tag, itself, points to a character from Gen 1 named "Glory", often compared to Rarity in terms of design.
No reason given
Edited by ShimmeringStallion