Viewing last 25 versions of comment by KingKek42 on image #1435001


Plantar Fashiitis
Oh, I never felt attacked. Didn't intend on sounding defensive. I suppose We could go back and forth with this all day, not that either of us would want to, but I would like to know why someone like yourself who supports freedom and liberty wouldn't mind a monarchy. Unless of course you were just joking the whole time and I didn't pick up on it. It just seems like people who support classism always see themselves near the top while being completely apathetic towards everyone else.
No reason given
Edited by KingKek42

Plantar Fashiitis
Oh, I never felt attacked. Didn't intend on sounding defensive. I suppose We could go back and forth with this all day, not that either of us would want to, but I would like to know why someone like yourself who supports freedom and liberty wouldn't mind a monarchy. Unless of course you were just joking the whole time and I didn't pick up on it.
No reason given
Edited by KingKek42