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Lord of the Empty Seat
Are you seriously comparing the Ponies to….
Ok, it’s clear that at this point you’re just looking for excuses to hate on Celestia and any Royal authority in this show. Because what you just said was BEYOND STUPID.
First of all, Chrysalis admits that she was around to see what the Umbrum are capable of. And the fact that SHE’S. wary of them should be a giant red flag.
Second, how COULD she have tried when the Changekings were more than content with attacking villages, we never see THEM try to negotiate either. In fact it’s proven with Thirax that if they tried to seek a peaceful route the Ponies-while somewhat wary-would be willing to try and reach a compromise as well.
Third, Celestia didn’t turn it into a vendetta, she protected her kingdom from a threat.
Fourth, “the failure of a ruler that Amore” was trying to give Sombra his own life to live. Telling him what he was from the get-go might not have gone over well anyway.
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Pretty sure she never tried to begin with.  
We have no idea what started the Umburums attacks outside of a biased comment from the Ponies point of view. Sombra killed the failure of a ruler that Amore was after his species was sealed and left to starve and suffer, ala concentration camps and ghettos. But thats alright, cause ponies did it I guess, right?  
As for the Changelings, she deemed them parasites, and while right, they are intelligent parasites attacking to survive, Celestia turned it into a vendetta with obtuse torture and punishments, so no.  
It could’ve worked, but they screamed Harmony at everything and acted like they had the right to decide the fate of entire races. You know. Wipe out this race because they are inherently evil? Sounds familiar doesn’t it.
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Lord of the Empty Seat
The Umbrum would’ve completely ravaged Equestria and their King had effectively KILLED the Princess at that point. And the Changelings were invading and draining every village in sight. I’m pretty sure diplomatically solving the problem was out the window at that point dimwit.
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@Background Pony #6CC2  
Missing the point?  
She removed every record of these entities from history. Thats her own fault, not an excuse, for why they don’t know about them.  
Hell, the fact she immediately lied to Twilights face by omission when sending her to Ponyville in the first place is a prime example of her own roundabout, faulty logic.  
And they aren’t expansionist?  
What about the Buffalo? Or the fact their ancestors just waltzed into another part of the continent and ignored all the natives.  
The entire species is already as hypocritical as they can be and if you read the comments from the beginning you’d see that it’s what started this debate in the first place.  
And her actions have already made her a threat theough inaction and negligence. So thats a moot point.  
As for escalating to war, what, you’re telling me a small group, maybe a single thousand, of competent, not even elite, just competent, unlike the rest of the guard, soldiers would start a war?  
As for a civil war, she’s treated as a living god, she could torture entire species and be worshiped for it, and canonically has done so to the Umburum and Changelings in the comics, without even attempting diplomatic solutions.  
And Discord should have never had any way to be accessed without pinpoint teleportation and prior knowledge of his courdinates. Put him a sealed enchanted room without any form of movable objects, light or sound. Boom, no chaos, no potential accidents, no arguing foals, problem solved for the foreseeable future.
Background Pony #D082
Again your missing the point here, why the hell should the populace at large agree to this? If celestia was a dictator then ya she could do exactually that but she’s not, there is clearly some amount of power and influence from the equestrian citizens. They love and adore her, and they would probably believe her if she told them about a threat she HAS NO ACTUAL PROOF FOR BUT HER WORD ALONE, but that raises the problem of morality and hypocrisy. She banished nightmare moon and defeated sombra not only because of the threat they represented to the world at large but because they were oppressive and totalitarian in how they went about things. It would be hypocritical of her to do the same just because she has inside information on the next big threat, though the only one we know she had some heads up about at all is nightmare moon, even if the citizens willingly agreed to it which atleast a portion, probably a significant portion at that, would not be. There’s also the problem that even if you were right in what she should do, if that takes care of all the threats and saves everyone and everyone is happy about the end result, what’s to stop her from being the next threat or what’s to stop equestria from being the next threat to world stability and peace, aside from her own conscience? Expansionist feelings and ultra nationalism tend to follow major military build ups around regardless of intent, and ultra nationalism inevitably ends with a desire to expand your borders regardless of or with the use of war. What your suggesting sounds fine in theory if you ignore the longterm effects it could have to stear a nation at large to war as opposed to peace. And that’s just limiting it to equestria, there’s not telling what might happen and what kind of military build ups you could expect from the other nations simply in response to equestrias build up, which leads to a greater possibility of war between nations. Think about it if you were the leader of another nation and some nation starts building up its military power under the pretense of combating a threat that might appear because a prophecy said so without and or there leader says so without any actual proof, you would most likely build up your own army simply because you were worried your neighbour had gone loony and it would be best to be prepared, or you were actively spiteful and used their build up as justification for your own build up.
Simply put, what your suggesting has the very real possibility of escalating things and developing major wars between nations, and I think any kind or compassionate leader would want to avoid war at almost all costs. Is their a threshold that one crosses where you have to take action otherwise you hurt your citizens more then help them? Of course, but the possible return of nightmare moon is not exactly one of them when you can probably handle the situation much easier with a small team elite strike team, which is about as far as I think she should have gone if she was to go that direction.
There’s also the very real possibility that should celestia build up precautions against nightmare moons return, and still get disappeared without anyone noticing like what happened in the actual episode, that she would have basically been leaving luna a full ready to go elite army or whatever which, best case scenario could lead to a civil war in equestria between the army and worse case, give her the resources she would need to take over every other country by force and enforce a strict military crackdown. There would be even less hope then If she had won canon timeline essentially.
It’s not like celestia could not have effectively mobilized equestria, we see that in the sombra timeline, but there would have been far more serious implications for the setting at large if she had. Would it have escalated like I said? Honestly unlikely.
As for the other threats, again there is no proof that she knew about said threat happening before hand, though I will say that leaving the discord statue in a public garden was probably not the best move, but locking it up might have simply convinced assholes that it was important and make them want it to use for their asshole ways, and we don’t know if she could have destroyed it or not, and what would have happened if she did.
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@Background Pony #6CC2  
Except all the other threats and creatures would now have a counter force. I’ve already stated that Celestia had no right to try and save Luna because of the risk it put on to every other entity on the planet. I’m not repeating that argument.  
They have no military, they have a bunch of parade armored fools standing and sleeping in corners.  
As for not seeing it coming, she has warnings and look outs for allnof them. So she knew they would happen, she just didn’t prepare.  
And boosting the military wouldn’t be an issue if you actually told anyone about these threats instead of leaving the world ignorant of all of them.  
And being more human in this case isn’t apt, as a human teacher would’ve gotten reemed for all her mistakes, tenure or not.  
Yes, we don’t know what Equestria was like, but the fact that their still wearing the same armor and still worthless in every flashback and alternate future barring the main characters and Plot armor moments, tells me she doesn’t even try to fight back.
Background Pony #D082
One, we don’t know what equestria was like 1000 years ago, and at what stage in its technological or magical development it was in, for all we know it could, and probably did, change drastically over that time period. However if it didn’t and the world of equestria hasn’t made many advancements since then, that brings me to my second point that societies usually take long periods of time to develop. For thousands of years our world was realitvely the same with some minor improvements here and there and the upgraded armour and weapons to kill each other with every once and a while, hell when the Roman Empire fell things took a step back for a while. The point being that it’s only been in the past 200 or so years that we’ve seen such rapid development thanks to the industrial revolution.
Thirdly, if celestia constantly intervened and controlled everyone’s lives to be the best possible, their would be no incentive to solve these problems without her help because people would be dependent on her, and then if she wasn’t there to solve the problem there would be a very high chance of them simply giving up. Fourthly, it’s impossible for celestia to be perfect and know the right thing to do at all times, as if she did it would be unrealistic and frankly boring. Sure she could have prepared more in the case of nightmare moons return, something we know with certainty is going to happen, but not something the characters in the show know is going to happen. I mean how would you react if the reason the princess was buffing the military or buolding a bunker was because of a prophecy that may or may not be true? You’d probably think it was crazy and a waste of money, especially if it was any time but a decade until the prophecy happened that this plan was proposed. Equestria as far as we know is on fairly good terms with its neighbours with no chance of an outbreak of war so theirs no justification for it their. The only other way to go about it would probably be to lie and be dictatorial about it, something celestia is against given she banished her sister for being dictatorial and fought sombra for being dictatorial. She could have trained an elite group if willing participants to take care of the problem perhaps, but that also brings up the possibility that nightmare moon might not even return and the group would be waste in that case, because all she has to go on is a prophecy that may or may not be true. Now if she had indeed known ahead of time and it was her who wrote the prophecy, tho gun we aren’t given information that confirms that at all so we don’t know if the prophecy is all she had as a lead, then the most that gives her justification for is an elite group, but given that it was friendship that allowed the elements to work at all, and elite trained group might not have actually worked. After all you can’t force people to like each other and an elite group would simply be there most likely out of obligation, with there only being a chance of them being friends. Would this have a higher chance of working? I’d say fifty fifty really, but I’m sure that’s debatable.
Is celestia a bad mentor? I don’t know but she certainly is not perfect and far more human then some mentors I’ve seen in stories. The nightmare moon stuff is about the only choice I’d say was somewhat debatable, with every other incident probably being a case of not seeing it coming. But then when it comes to good governance there is simply no right awnser, for the most part.
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“Oh, I’ve done a good job, time to let things fall apart.”  
“Oh no, I could easily focus this beam and cast a shield around my target at impact, but I’ve not bothered learning how do anything but big explosions in over one thousand years!”  
Good work ethic there, You’re hired.  
And ruling an empire with no Theological, no technological, and no real cultural advancement for generations is the equivalent to easy mode in a civ game. You have the most basic portions of your job and thats it. And considering Celestia put herself on that throne, refused to lwave and has outright removed historical information in favor of leaving small, consistently ignored fairy tales that fail to prepare her people, has guards that are literally worthless and more a set of meat-shields then competent soldiers, -and has put the entire population of multiple empires at risk to teach Twilight a single lesson, she isn’t lax. She doesnmt do her damn job and doesn’t give a crap about how she hurts simply to tell Twilight “you can trust others to help you” or some other braindead moral she could’ve taught if she bothered actual talking to Twilight long enough to realize her student needed, and might still need, psychological.  
And where did I say it was in my power? Darth wanted a baswline for what I felt should’ve been done and I gave it to him so bugger off on that one.  
And if Luna is that inept, that purely suited that she can’t even speak to someone in dreams without talking in vague statements I wouldn’t give her the time of day.  
Oh, you meant I had to face my fear by doing X?  
Then why didn’t you just bloody say so instead of repeating yourself, you cost me my job with this crap.
And if it’s irrelevent, because irreverent means something entirely different, why do you care about it?
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@Miss Shy
I know I’ve said this before, and I know you don’t agree with me, but I actually think the writing here is good. If you don’t, I completely understand, but I do.
Miss Shy
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This is what bad writing does to us.
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Lord of the Empty Seat
Well it ISN’T in your power. The show is about the mane six,if we went with TCelestia and Luna always solving the problem then half of the series wouldn’t even happen. And considering Celestia was fighting in a crowded room she probably didn’t ant to risk collateral damage.
Also, your argument about Luna being shit at her dreamwalking job holds no weight since it was established in the comics that she learned how to do that AFTER she was banished.
As for your opinion of Celestia: Irreverent, she’s worked her ass off for 1000 years. I’d like to see YOU pull off a workshift that log and not be a little lax.
Gold Bit -
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@Darth Sonic  
And now I feel bad for retyping my Celestia complaints. Refresh and your comment pops up under mine.
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See again “overfed Changeling”, because if you are the sun, she’s still nothing but a big.  
And hows it hypocritical? If I’m forced to keep her alive and in power I might as well keep the version of her that gets out of her room and the dreamscape to do it.  
As for killing the main six, she had every opportunity to. And in season one what did she do? Tried to scare them off. Every threat to their lives up till them finding the rocks of everlasting balance was either because they panicked and found trouble or chose to stand and fight something that no one in their right mind would without a weapon.  
As for the spoiled thing, demanding praise is not the sole definition nor the sole meaning behind the word, nor the one in which it is used most often.  
As for not harping on Celestia, this is about Luna, don’t try to change the subject, literally and figuratively. As to why I jump on Luna so much, it’s because she is the only character solely seen as sympathetic beyond any fault.  
If I jump Celestia, people all shy away and mutter about her not having any focus in the show. Bring up the comics? Oh those don’t count so they don’t matter.  
But if you want it, heres my opponion of Celestia summed up with single words: Lazy, half-assed, opulant, wasteful, negligent, selfish, tactless(both uses of the word), malignant, manipulative and decietful.
Darth Sonic
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

Oh no, he’s given Celestia a whole lot of shit in the past. As a CelestiaFag, I’ve had some pretty epic confrontations with him over it in the past.
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
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Lord of the Empty Seat
I notice you’re pretty quick to harp on only LUNA not doing anything and seem to ignore Celestia, who’s arguably done less onscreen.
Also, “Letting her stay as Nightmare Moon might’ve actually been a better outcome”, that’s the most hypocritical thing I’ve heard! so, Luna needs to be punished endlessly and yet you’ll whine about how “the Protagonist can all but murder an infant and simply be told ’No thats bad, so don’t do it’”, despite the fact that Nightmare tried to kill the mane six.
Also, that is NOT “the basic definition of spoiled”, if she was spoiled she’d be demanding that they praise her. And “a few honeyed words” can do a lot of damage to one’s mentality and better judgement when laced with manipulation a dark magic. The Dazzlings are more than enough proof of that.
And as for Celestia vs Chrysalis. You seem to forget that Chrysalis was soaking up all the love and affection of the Canterlot citizens and Shining Armor for god knows how long, not to mention she caught Celestia off-guard.
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@Darth Sonic  
Fair enough, but as to the supposed strength of Alicorns, they really need to cement it.  
Either their godlike aspects of nature or their mediocre mages with a quirky link to an astral object, and I’d be fine with either if they were jusy consistent with how their portrayed.  
I’ve seen the argument of Celestia just not being able to risk it but focusing on a particular target insted of blasting everything is something we’ve seen foals manage, and with Celestia’s age I can’t be impressed by her shear lack of skill with it.
Darth Sonic
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

The sealing and purging thing. The rules of MLP magic are so undefined that statements like those are essentially meaningless.
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@Darth Sonic  
Me or him? Because I might be reaching with the Sealing and Purging thing but thats still not a good sign when the supposed demigods aren’t able to muster enough power to beat an overfed Changeling.  
I mean, if Celestia has the power of the sun that shouldn’t have happened in the first place, yet with comic cannon included they’ve fought upwards of five times and yet Celestia either stopped halfway through their strike and left or just couldn’t match the bug queen toe to toe.
Darth Sonic
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

Aaaaannnndddd now we’ve entered the realm of pure Fanon. Great.
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Oh yes, a sealing spell and a spell meant to purge are powerful.  
Literally in any other context those are some of the most basic spells in existence, so the artifacts of power(tm) being the only things capable of doing so leaves me little faith in their own power.  
Because making something specifically meant to counter one class of magic generally doesn’t need to be powerful. It needs to be well designed and well programed like computer code to adapt to different variations of the same general type of target.  
And from what little we see of her, dreamwalking is almost everything she does.  
Where was Luna during the invasion in season 2? Didn’t see her helping there. Or with Discord. Or Sombra, despite both her and her sister being far more suited to the task, but thats a different debate in and of itself. Oh and then theres Tirek where they put all their eggs and one basket and got a deus ex machina that fixed their horrible planning and utterly daft thought process.  
Which if it was held with real world consequences, would’ve resulted in thousands of casualties as hospitals fail and Pegasi, now magicless, fell to their deaths without their latent cloudwalking magic.  
I’ve already stared that she’s got to be pretty horrible connecting to people in the dreamscape to have that little recognition.  
She also, again, had more then every other member of her species and fell to honeyed words. Because she wanted everything because she did a good deed and that gives her the right to it, the basic definition of spoiled.  
Letting her stay as Nightmare Moon might’ve actually been a better outcome, seeing as Loony-Moony takes action instead of spouting Prophecy and Destiny at everything.  
And this isn’t hate for her, it’s hate for a horrible trope where the Protagonist can all but murder an infant and simply be told ‘No thats bad, so don’t do it’ because their supposed to be good. I like Luna as a design and concept, it’s the execution, pun intended, that bothers me and the flat morals it puts forth.  
I’m just as critical of every other character but people jump to Luna’s defence most often.
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Lord of the Empty Seat
First of all, that last part is a different scenario and you know it.
Oh, and for a “spoiled brat” who’s “inept at her duties”, she seems more than willing to go out of her way to help out her subjects within their dreams, and it’s established that the CMC aren’t the only ones she’s helped.
A slap on the wrist would be letting her stay as Nightmare Moon, they basically blasted her hard enough to purge the corrupt magic from her body.
So stop throwing around your overly harsh accusations just because you don’t like her.
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@Darth Sonic  
Yeah, the other races aren’t really well represented in the show.  
Kinda leaves some of the morals to fall short to me but eh, script writing and plot lines.
Darth Sonic
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

The other nations don’t matter, because they are barbarians blind to the Holy Light of Friendship. Just ask Griffonstone, Party Pooped, and Gauntlet of Fire! :P
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@Darth Sonic  
To a degree, but I’m thinking of the world wide repercussions and the sheer amount of casualties and destruction from panic and fear as the sun and moon suddenly lock in place.  
I’ve read enough studies and history to know those things can be catastrophic in societies that can’t relay information quickly, and with how little tech Equestria has with it’s standing, I can’t see many other countries being farther ahead.  
But then again we have the Crystal Bullet train, but thats really had nothing other then one scene. I’m not touching that nightmare of engineering till we get even a concept art to get an idea of what could power it.
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And yet…Has everything the world could offer, decides she needs a cult following due to a few honeyed words.  
Which as a politician even in medieval times is something one should be more then aware of otherwise you shouldn’t even be on the throne to begin with, or your a figure head with nothing in the way of real power.  
B) would’ve been permanent. She’d be an earth-pony with wings to weak to fly and a horn thats nothig but decoration. So no it didn’t happen. She also got her crown, her prior coffers, and her throne and all it carries, back the very next day.  
She also made her agreement fully aware of the consequences. She wasn’t possessed forcibly, she made her choice and will not be forgiven for it.  
She’s spoiled, inept at her duties and privileged because of arbitrary prophetic statements, no other way around it.  
And if threatening the entire planet deserves the Immortal equivalent of a slap on the wrist, I’d hate to meet the people you’d let walk out of court just because they have a sympathetic case.